New attitudes toward the decorative arts in England in the second half of the nineteenth century emerged in the career of designer Christopher Dresser, who contributed original plates to Owen Jone's The Grammar of Ornament featuring design motifs based upon leaf and floral forms in a style that simplified organic forms into flattened shapes defined by crisp contour.

十九世紀後期,名設計師克理斯多福‧克萊賽(Christopher Dresser)造就了英國裝飾藝術的濫觴。克萊賽先生為歐文‧瓊斯(Owen Jones)名著「裝飾入門」添入了裝飾盤物藝術,概念是以綠葉花卉為基礎,以簡化原本的有機型態、清晰分明的輪廓描繪出(簡約的)扁平樣式。


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