事實上我應該感到疲累的! 因為我下課後休息一下子就得去工作! 但那些小孩實在太可愛了, 使得我沒有任何抱怨! 我覺得工作環境真的很重要, 對吧?!
In fact I feel tired because I take a break after class for a while and then I have to go back for work. Nevertheless, I do not complain because those children are so cute. Don’t you think that it is important for us to work at fine circumstance?


Maybe most people care about wearing comfortably, not for the brand.

Why do you choose Paris as your working place? The expense in other’s cities is cheaper than Paris. That means you do not worry about the traffic and meals.



To choose your favorite work is for the benefit to yourself because you seem not to be happy with your current work and you are tired with finding another job. Do you have another professional skill? Do you want to go abroad for working?



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