em yeu anh,mai mai yeu anh, du co bat cu song gio hay bao tap cung khong ngan duoc long em yeu anh

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1. 像畫賽璐璐片那樣子地畫上陰影

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1.  With this faith in mind, some suggestions are made to put into practice this

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Vay Cai j lam cho ah vui ,noi cho nghe voi di.

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jennin64 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

It's Moon Festival today. People go on barbecues whenever it's Moon Festival. Although typhoon Usagi strikes during this four-day-holiday, our excitement about the barbecue won't be put out.
Today we had barbecue while enjoying the marvelous sight of the moon. It was very delighting.

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jennin64 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

佐   山   櫻   狐
さ やま  えい こ (平仮名) 

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A xeng.    e cam on tinh cam a danh cho e .tu jo a hay xem e nhu mot nguoi pan

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