Good morning, everyone.

My name is OOO. I'm sixteen years old and I live in Shalu district in Taichung. I have just graduated from OO junior high school.

There are parents and one brother in my family. I love them so much.

It is because my dad says English is an important instrument to find a job in the future that makes me choose "Department of applied foreign languages". I want to learn English well, though I'm not very good in English. But I'll do my best. Nice to meet you all.

應用外語科=>>"Department of applied foreign languages"
應用英語科=>>"Department of applied English"
請多多指教 翻成英文 =>> Nice to meet you.

由於文化背景的不同, 英文不像中文有 "艱深" 的講法,所以有些字和詞是不能 "硬翻"的。


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