Look over your shoulder as you enter to view the corner you are not heading toward.
當你進入(一個房間或空間) 轉頭輕瞄 不是你面對的角落

If someone were hiding in the corner that you weren't able to see during the slicing the pie you will be able to see them now.
若是有人躲在你切過轉角(slicing the pie)時你所看不道的角落裡 你現在就可以看見了

The corner you are walking toward is your first priority.
你現在的重點是 你走向的角落

View that corner before you look at the one behind you, as an assailant in the corner in front of you is a higher priority.
先細看那角落 再看其他在你身後的(角落)因為在你面前那裏的壞壞是你要優先處理的!

1. look over your shoulder = 轉頭(不轉身)過肩輕看
2. slice the pie = 是持槍轉角的五步戰技 (1)貼牆前進停在角落前3尺 (2)舉槍注視角落離牆一步(3)以牆角為圓心再往外走一步(4)再走一步(5)再走一步直到看到過了角落的牆面為止
這樣一步步地清除視角 叫做 slice the pie


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