 It was Mothers' day last Sunday.

 小森為了感謝媽媽辛苦把他帶大 就想做一些事情來減輕媽媽的辛苦 
 Little Xen wanted to show off her appreciation for her mother's hard work, so she voluntarily did a few house chores to help out a little. 

 First of all, she vacuumed the entire house super clean. 

 接著 看的廚房有碗沒洗 想說也幫忙洗一下好了 
 Then, she washed the dishes,

 沒想到洗一洗 一個手滑 就不小心把碗摔破了 
 but accidentally broke a bowl.

 被媽嗎 知道後 就被罵了一頓 
 Her mom yelled a little when she knew about it.


 However, her mom understood the kind intention of Little Xen's. 
 Even she might look angry without, she was really happy within.


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