According to this ratio (2:1), fibers from orange
byproducts are considered high quality due to the physiological
effects associated with both soluble and insoluble fibers and could
be used as a food ingredient.
根據這個比例 (2 :1) 由柳橙產生的纖維副產品被視為是高品質的,因可溶性與不可溶性纖維組合的生理作用,可以使用在食品原料上。

fibers (主詞) 纖維
from orange byproducts (形容詞 --用來說明 fiber的) 由柳橙產生的副產品
are considered high quality, 是高品質的
due to the physiological effects associated with both soluble and insoluble fibers. (整句來說明為何是高品質的原因) 因可溶性與不可溶性纖維組合的生理作用
and could be used as a food ingredient.(這是另一個用來說明纖維的句子)可以使用在食品原料上


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