5.Since the 1930s, hundreds of stone balls have been found in Costa Rica. It's believed that they ______ by the ancestors of native people who lived there at the time of the Spanish conquest.
答案是could have been made,知道是被動式,但是不了解為何要用could+完成式,是要跟前面句子時態一致嗎?

用過去完成式,表示比過去式早,因為ancestors是建balls的人,他們比以前住在那裡的native people的時間更早。

6.More and more parents find _____ a headache to regulate the time their children spent on the Internet.
答案是it,我選that。仔細看這裡應該不能放名詞子句的連接詞that,但是find it a headache to...,感覺怪怪的,是不是省略掉什麼字了呢?

這裡的it是虛受詞,代替後面的延遲受詞to regulate the time their children spent on the Internet.
a headache是受詞補語。

7.Nowadays, as new technologies, such as mobile phone Internet access, evolove, _______.
(1)so does the work of the cybercriminals
(2)the work of the cybercriminals as well
(3)the work of the cybercriminals, too
(4)so the work of the cybercriminals does

as ..., so ...是這句的關係:隨著新科技的進步,網路犯罪也進步了。


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