Energy consumption had dramatically increased and so has the dependency on petroleum.
1.為什麼用so has the…. ,so是什麼詞性呢? 是副詞: 意思是: 也一樣 ,也如此.(需要配合倒裝句使用)
例如: I like dancing, so does my wife. 我喜歡跳舞 我太太也一樣
所以上句話是說 : 能源消耗已有劇烈性的增加,對於石油的依存度也一樣. has 是助動詞 因為是第三人稱單數 所以用 has
2.是否可用and that has increasing the dependency on petroleum.(x) 如果要改成現在完成進行式少了一個 "been" , 意思與原句就不一樣了(多了因果關係).
Therefore government should raise money for improving public transport services which are  available to citizens, especially commuters.其實其中 which are 是被省略掉了.
1. 其中的available是形容詞,為何不將句子寫成Therefore government should raise money for improving available public transport services to citizens…雖然文法上可以說的通,可是您所寫的句子不是習慣用法.
2.這句話中的 available要怎麼天成天成翻譯社社比較好呢? "可利用的" 

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