以下為住房須知事項內容,麻煩各位幫忙了,感謝 :)
1. 備有無線網路WIFI 訊號不穩定時請見諒。
The WIFI is available, not always stable.
2. 請注意安全,不要讓孩子們單獨在陽台上玩耍。
Please be alert and keep children away from playing at the porch.
3. 廚房可供外借,但請先告知。
Kitchen is available, please notify us before using.
4. 晚上12:00戶外熄燈,需外出者請聯絡管家,退房為翌日11:00以前。
The outside lights will be turned off on 12 p.m. if you want to go out, please contact our housekeeper. The check-out time is before 11 a.m. the next day.
5. 為維護住宿品質安全,本場所室內嚴禁吸煙及聚賭,並禁止攜帶寵物。
To keep the best living circumstance, smoking and gambling are not permitted in the place. Please do not take your pet here.
If you take your pet here, we will not return your fund and your room will be canceled accordingly.
6. 為追求空間品質,房間請按規定人數住宿,並謝絕訪客
請依規定人數入住,增加住宿人數未告知者1人以 NT.1000元計價!
It is forbidden for the consumer to have visitor(s).
Please follow the regulation of accommodation. We will charge you for additional person with NT.1000 per each.