Not only do they help to maintain the balance of nature, but they also
have value in and of themselves.

關於本句的文法結構, 有兩個重點:

1) not only.....but also的句型通常是主詞與動詞順序正常的寫法, 但當我們把Not
only置於句首時, 它所引導的子句就必須倒裝, 而but also子句的主謂順序不變.

原句: They not only help to maintain the balance of nature, but also
have value in and of themselves.  <--- 前後子句共用主詞they.

倒裝: Not only do they help to maintain the balance of nature, but they
also have value in and of themselves.  <--- 前面子句倒裝時, 後面子句正序, 主詞不可省略.

2) value in and of themselves
不要想太多, 這個and只是個對等連接詞而已, in and of並非片語:
value in themselves = 他們本身的內在價值
value of themselves = 他們本身的外在價值
這兩項一塊兒說, 就是:
value in and of themselves = 他們本身的內在與外在價值



參考資料 羅莉 + 英文文法

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